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Google Local Business Center Rebrands as Google Places - Adds New Features

Linda Buquet

New Member
Welcome to the brand new and TEMPORARY home of the Google Places Forum.
Eventually this forum will move to our sister site at
<a href="">Catalyst eMarketing</a>.

If you are interested in LOCAL SEO, or have any localized affiliate sites,
here's some important new info that just hit the wires.

The Google Local Business Center is now called "Google Places",
as Google tries to re-brand the product around the Place Pages it introed last fall.

There are new features and there is a new help center and support forum dedicated to Google Places for the many businesses that are having a hard time getting their listings changed, verified or optimized.

Here's all the info from the Google blog

For more information about Google local listings, visit my other company.
<strong>Catalyst eMarketing - Local SEO</strong>

If you have questions about local search marketing via Google Places, ask away, I'm happy to help!
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