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Google new algo hit forums?


New Member
I seem to notice that forums seem to have been hit by the new Google algo. (I could be wrong) but most forums seem to have less traffic than they did prior to the new Google SERPs dispensation.
Temi, i will keep on eye on my statistic and will update this thread a bit later, though the rankings of my forum are excellent.
Looking forward to that Bagi, but think traffic as in new people coming to the forum rather than ranking on the internet
Here are the stats for my rugby forum.

yesterday referrals from search engines. 3,513
last thursday refs from SE's. 3,619
referrals this month from search. 86,927 so divide that by 26 (days) 3,343, so referrals from search for me is up. day by day

August 110,742 = ave 3572, I would say that traffic is down slightly from last month (approx 5%) .

Hope that helps :)