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Google Page Rank - If you link you lose


New Member
In the last few weeks, I have come to see two PR7 websites I know downgraded to PR4. Changes like this are what some people wrongly assume to be a PR update.

I have a strong felling that the downgrade of the two sites in question from PR7 to PR4 may not be unconnected with envious webmaster reporting the said sites to Google possibly for selling links.

Moral of the story is if you have a fantastic PR and you sell links, don't boast about it, keep it hush hush.
Dear Temi,

Provably you are talking about avivadirectory ... they had a very bad PR update when Google updated last time. This is just a horror story for them!

As Google said, they have started punishing directories those who are selling links. Even one of my friends website resulted PR4 to PR2 ... and today I checked PR0.

So .... don't sell? If you don't sell link then can webmasters survive on selling only adverts?

People are talking about 3 way links now a days, but is it going to work ultimately?
Yeap there are lot of things still confuse me :( Anyway i am finding out solutions for that and hope for the best.

It is tricky. I'd love to see what'd happen if every link on every website was made nofollow overnight. It's odd. I mean, Google say you shouldn't do "sitewide links". What happens with all those blogs out there with blogrolls? Are they bad?

I think Google's Guidelines is a lot like religion, it is open to interpretation.
You may find it's a google dance and their PR may go back up. Sometimes you have to wait for things to settle down.