I have never been a PageRank fan. I think too many people pay too much attention to PageRank rather than devoting their full attention to their visitors and trying to do everything possible to give them the very best experience they can. If they do that, everything else will take care of itself.
Too many people spend time thinking about PageRank and sometimes doing sneaky things to try to increase it.
I have long felt that Google should not make the PageRank public. They should have it only for internal use. If people had no idea what the particluar PageRank was they wouldn't be spending time trying to get a higher PageRank, buying or selling links on those that have high PageRank and various other methods to try to see a higher PageRank. People would then spend time doing what they should be doing rather than being so occupied with PageRank. Yes it is PageRank and not Page Rank.
For some reason a lot of people seem to ignore the fact that PageRank is just one of the many factors that Google takes into consideration when determining where they are in the search results.
Some buy advertising based upon PageRank rather than other important consideration that should be made when buying advertising.
A lot have just taken a tumble in their PageRank. I see that at least one has gone from a PageRank of 10 to a PageRank of 6. Several big names that you know have taken a drop.
At the moment there is a lot of speculation as to what the reason is. Some think it has to do with the buying and selling of links for the purpose of increased PageRank, some believe it is because of failure to use a NoFollow attribute. There are thoughts among some of algorithm change. Speculation also involves those who are linking to what Google considers "bad neighborhoods." Some are thinking that Google is trying to send a message.
Google hasn't said anything official about this and there are many people who wish they would say something.
Here are some of the many articles about this:
Google Scares The Search Crowd - Forbes.com
Digg Favorites Slapped By Google | Andy Beard - Niche Marketing
Is Google's PageRank algorithm changing? | Geek Gestalt - A blog by Daniel Terdiman - CNET News.com
Google PageRank Penalties For Network Blogs
Too many people spend time thinking about PageRank and sometimes doing sneaky things to try to increase it.
I have long felt that Google should not make the PageRank public. They should have it only for internal use. If people had no idea what the particluar PageRank was they wouldn't be spending time trying to get a higher PageRank, buying or selling links on those that have high PageRank and various other methods to try to see a higher PageRank. People would then spend time doing what they should be doing rather than being so occupied with PageRank. Yes it is PageRank and not Page Rank.
For some reason a lot of people seem to ignore the fact that PageRank is just one of the many factors that Google takes into consideration when determining where they are in the search results.
Some buy advertising based upon PageRank rather than other important consideration that should be made when buying advertising.
A lot have just taken a tumble in their PageRank. I see that at least one has gone from a PageRank of 10 to a PageRank of 6. Several big names that you know have taken a drop.
At the moment there is a lot of speculation as to what the reason is. Some think it has to do with the buying and selling of links for the purpose of increased PageRank, some believe it is because of failure to use a NoFollow attribute. There are thoughts among some of algorithm change. Speculation also involves those who are linking to what Google considers "bad neighborhoods." Some are thinking that Google is trying to send a message.
Google hasn't said anything official about this and there are many people who wish they would say something.
Here are some of the many articles about this:
Google Scares The Search Crowd - Forbes.com
Digg Favorites Slapped By Google | Andy Beard - Niche Marketing
Is Google's PageRank algorithm changing? | Geek Gestalt - A blog by Daniel Terdiman - CNET News.com
Google PageRank Penalties For Network Blogs