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Google Panda 2.5: Losers and Winners



Google Panda 2.5: Losers Include Today Show, The Next Web; Winners Include YouTube, Fox News
by Danny Sullivan
Oct 1, 2011

Searchmetrics has a pretty good track record of figuring out who lost after one of Google’s Panda Updates. Among the latest victims of this week’s Panda Update 2.5, some unexpected surprises: popular tech blog The Next Web, blog aggregator Technorati, and NBC’s The Today Show. Winners include Google’s own YouTube, along with Fox News and several other mainstream news sites.

Apparently, that patented SEO process that Business Wire just announced isn’t much help to the company. It was listed among the victims, along with PR Newswire.


See also: Confirmed: Google Panda 2.5 Update Arrived This Week
The only sites I had hit were affiliate sites, but if you look at the examples, it is the main stream sites that done the best and the sites that cater to the small business and affiliates took some pretty bad hits.

I have watched this trend now for over two years and it looks like Google is looking at factors that help big business while hurting the smaller business owners, kinda like our government destroying the small business through regulation

From reports I have pulled, the plus 1 has a major effect on rankings now, and this trend is similar to some information that is a bit scary if true. Analysis: Consumer Watchdog

I am not saying this is the case, but something to look into.
Again, I have to disagree somewhat.

First, some very big sites got absolutely pummeled by Panda. So it's not all about big sites vs. little sites.

Second, the bottom line is about delivering the best search results for a given query. If you're looking for a specific product, would you want to find an Amazon scraper site instead of the Amazon site for that product?
I agree with you for the most part, just a few things that makes you think in other directions with all they have been pulling lately. like i said, just thoughts.
Thx Minstrel. The thing I'm happy about is Hubpages is back on top. =)

I'm a hubber and will be putting out more hubs in the future w/ embedded YT videos.

It's a win-win for me...