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Google Places New Penalty State? Awaiting Removal ? WEIRD, See Screenshot

Google Places Blogger

Posting from the Catalyst eMarketing Blog
I think I may have just found a new penalty state. I found almost 3,000 Place pages in the US that have this PENALTY warning appended next to the Business name right on the Place page and it shows up right in the serps too. So it's NOT just a warning in the dashboard. It's right out there for all to see. WHAT IS THIS? See screenshot.

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Welcome to the TEMPORARY home of our Google Places Forum.
Eventually this forum may move to our sister site at
Catalyst eMarketing.
I found out through an email tip. It appears it's all problem listings from the same company and this person has the inside scoop on it all. VERY interesting stuff. I can tell you more in private if you want to know.
Whoa David, have you had a chance to read the comments lately?
This blew up into a big extortion scam.

Welcome to my world of Google Places. God I get tired of these Local SEO companies ripping small businesses off!
Just read over them now. You know, this is one area where I really don't think Google thought things througn. It seems to me they've been plugging spam and scam holes ever since Google Places launched.

But what your blog readers are describing is definitely down and dirty.