Google: Product Extension Ads Now Available For Mobile
by Greg Sterling, Search Engine Land
Jun 9, 2011
by Greg Sterling, Search Engine Land
Jun 9, 2011
This morning Google announced two new ad formats for mobile ? or rather the extension of two PC ad types to smartphones ? Product Extension Ads and Product Local Ads.
Basically these two mobile formats allow marketers to include product images and related data in ads showing on mobile devices (like PC-based AdWords). Further, if real-time inventory data are available and enabled, users could alternatively be shown information on whether products are in stock nearby.
The Product Extension Ads are intended to drive e-commerce from mobile devices. Google research has found that 77 percent of smartphone owners use their devices in stores. For example, someone looking for a bike might be in a store and consult her phone for product reviews and pricing information. Through Product Extension Ads she might see the same bike for sale online at a lower price and buy the bike through the internet accordingly.