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Google ranking dropped after new development


New Member
Hey guys,

I'm a webdeveloper in the south of the UK - and I work at a small web dev company. Recently one of my customer phoned up (who'd been dealing with an ex-colleague of mine) saying that his ranking has dropped to be almost unexistent since we've redeveloped the site.

The site - ukcelebrations co uk (I can't post links because of my post count )- used to be #1 for "stag nights bournemouth" (along with several others) with the old development (visible at the web archive ) but now can't be found - and I'm a bit confused as to why this would be?

Has anyone got any ideas? I'm usually pretty good at getting sites reasonable ratings (I've had a number of sites in top ten for their chosen keyword) - but I can't seem to fathom this one!


whenever you redesign any site then you have to be carefully about site file names reason behind this according to search engine old is gold. If you will change the file name then you will also lost the ranking and traffic of your site. :)