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Google + Rankings: Google Is Doing It To Themselves, Again



Google + Rankings: Google Is Doing It To Themselves, Again
by Barry Schwartz, Search Engeine Roundtable
Aug 30, 2011

[Google +1 results are] going into the main stream media and thus will become a huge spam target. Well, it already has with tons of Google +1 brokers out there selling plus ones in the masses.

Heck, even Forbes posted an article on it and then pulled it.

What is sad is that this is going to lead to the same type of abuse Google PageRank lead to and link buying and anchor text and so on. It is just weird to me that Google is promoting it so much as a ranking factor.

I seriously wonder what Matt Cutts or people from his team have to say about this?


Seriously, is anybody surprised? Is anyone at Google surprised?