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Google Rankings Steady But Visitor Nos Erratic


New Member
one of my sites does well in Google SERPS with a top 10 position for each of its top 6 keyword strings. The confusing thing is that traffic and enquiries from the site are really erratic. Some days are great - on others there is nothing. Visitor numbers are steady, keywords searches used to land on the site are consistent too.

The only contributory factor is that more enquiries are received when the site html is updated. However, given that this is not pushing the site up the serps - then what, if anything, explains the reguar analysis stats I am getting and the erratic patter of enquiries. All suggestions gratefully received.
Check your referrer statistics. What search terms are being used top arrive at your site? and from where? It may be that the search terms you're targeting are not the ones people actually use. It may also be that your traffic is coming from something other than Google.