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Google Says Don't Be Afraid Of Duplicate Content



Google Says "Don't Be Afraid" Of Duplicate Content
Search Engine Roundtable
October 25, 2010

Susan Moskwa from Google presented and offered some advice and tips on the [duplicate content] issue, from a Google's perspective.

Of course, she said the same thing Google always says about the topic. There is no real penalty for having duplicate content, it is a filter, not a penalty. Okay, okay, so what is new?

According to the coverage by Top Rank, Susan explained when webmasters should not worry about duplicate content. They include:

  • Common, minimal duplication.
  • When you think the benefit outweighs potential ranking concerns. Consider your cost of fixing the duplicate content situation vs. the benefit you would receive.
  • Remember: duplication is common and search engines can handle it.

Thanks for posting this. It sure gets tiresome hearing the same dire warnings repeated by people who don't actually know what they're talking about - i.e., Don't submit an article from your site to an article directory or you'll get the duplicate content penalty!!!! argh

Information I already knew doing my own research but great that your posting this because so many people have the wrong information..LOL

Thanks for posting this!

Jeff Casmer
Thank you for the post....interesting to see what they are saying publicly at least ;)

I have always been warned of being "google slapped" for having duplicate content by so called SEO experts :)