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Google Search Engine Traffic Generating Most Unique Hits Today!


New Member
Check it out I'm getting tons of Search Engine Results from BlogEngage,


Even different Google Engines I never heard off with weird extensions .


This is only unique hits,

I got 500 + total hits today

EDIT: I also did this, Google Webmaster Tools = SEO - Search Engine Optimization Marketing

Check it out this has been since the site was running, it hasn't been long tho and it's only unique ip's were looking at here,

Good job! Keep on promoting it and as you get more submissions you get more high rankings for different terms.
That's the beauty if social bookmarking site - members are building content for you.
Good job! Keep on promoting it and as you get more submissions you get more high rankings for different terms.
That's the beauty if social bookmarking site - members are building content for you.

Interesting concept you have here and it 100% makes sence! It's also nice to know when I do get Google traffic I'm sending the traffic right to them :) Feels good to help out!