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Google shuts down video service


Well-Known Member
Google is shutting down its premium video service, leaving users who have bought or rented content unable to view their videos in the future.
In an e-mail to users the web giant said that money spent on videos would not be refunded.

Customers are being offered fixed credit on the firm's online payment system, Google Checkout, instead.

The move comes nine months after Google paid $1.65bn for online site You Tube, which also sells some video.

Google started selling video content on its video site in January last year, offering programs such as Survivor, CSI and Star Trek for about $1.99 (£1).

Google co-founder Larry Page launched the service at the Consumer Electronics Show, in Las Vegas, but the success of YouTube has made Google Video increasingly irrelevant

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Google is only about money and as a web browser they are simply not that good. I am sure there are some young twenty something techies that could build a better search engine that actually makes sense. Google has losts its luster. It is simply a computer based library index file. They catalogue books in a libaray based on a better system. It certainly is not rocket science. It simply a big database that is very poorly designed and simply about money for the owners. Time for some young people to stand up and knowck google down. Lie is not just abot money, if you ethics and integrity the money will come