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Google Simplifies Local Search Control



Google Simplifies Local Search Control
Danny Goodwin, Search Engine Watch
October 19, 2010

Not even a week after Marissa Mayer was charged with handling Google's location and local services, Google is rolling out its first change. Google will soon add a "Change location" link to the left panel on its search results pages, making it easier for searchers to find local businesses and provide an accurate location setting.

I've found it very useful, because it provides location based searches. This means if your site is low ranked it's likely to appear if you are already in the top 10 rankings on google.
I've found it very useful, because it provides location based searches. This means if your site is low ranked it's likely to appear if you are already in the top 10 rankings on google.

This makes no sense as written. I assume there's a word or two missing?