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Google to cut 300 jobs


Senior Member
Google has announced that it intends to fire 300 employees due to the 3.1 billion $ spent on DoubleClick. A Google spokesperson said that it’s the inevitable side of Google’s large acquisition and it seems that other employees from outside US are at risk too.

More than that, Google plans on selling Performics, the search marketing division of DoubleClick, because it has deals with Yahoo and Microsoft also, and this is a conflict of interest.

"It's clear to us that we do not want to be in the search engine marketing business. Maintaining objectivity in both search and advertising is paramount to Google's mission and core to the trust we ask from our users," says Tom Phillips, director, DoubleClick integration at Google in a blog post.

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It's unfortunate about the job losses but it's good and about time G sold Performics and I still won't be happy until it's in someone else's hands.
