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Google update anyone?

  • Thread starter TheeCommerceConsultant
  • Start date


Hi All,

Noticed on saturday there appeared to be a massive shift in Google results, sites that have had a nice postion 1-2-3 have been relagated to page2 across numerous searches. Interestingly on one search the page that is number 1 appears to have virtually no SEO!

Anyone else noticed any changes in results over the last four days say from 9th Feb onwards?

Just dont understand what has happened can't see any differance just seems like a complete re-shuffle.

Anyone else?


I've seen similar results. Especially it affect new pages with fresh content - they can pop up high on SERP's for a day or two and than disappear again...
Yeah thats what I am hoping, just un-nerving when it has happened to three completly different sites all in the same timeframe. Hopefully the new sites that have appeared will just be up for a day or two, must be the only time I am hoping for sanbox...

Ah well top 5 position for the last four years, guess I have some work to do.. Oh the joy of SEO :wallbash: :helpsmilie:
