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Google Wants To Know If They Helped You Get Better Rankings



Google Wants To Know If They Helped You Get Better Rankings
Search Engine Roundtable
May 20, 2009

Google Webmaster Tools and Google Webmaster Central are tools I cannot believe SEOs ever lived without. Early on, many experienced SEOs were skeptical about the tools, but many of us have learned that the tools and advice are here to help us with our web sites.

Adam Lasnik, who I rarely hear from in the forums anymore, started a thread at Google Webmasters Help discussion area asking Webmasters to give Google case studies on if the Google Webmaster Central team has helped them or not.

Google Webmaster Tools and the Help section helped me BIG time in the education in SEO there if you are willing to look hard enough.

And the tools are cool.
I just began using Google Webmaster Tools. The Top Search Queries is a great tool. I just wish that updates were rendered quicker, but I guess it can’t update any faster than the bots crawl.