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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Great Targeted Traffic - Lousy Conversion Rate


New Member
I have a client where we are having a hard time getting conversions. Her bounce rate is pretty low (around 30%) and she is getting around seven pages viewed per visit and three to four minutes viewed per visit as well (and like any site - we get some junk traffic that would lower her pages viewed as well as raising her bounce rate). So it looks like ppl are viewing her site with some or great interest, but we aren't getting conversions (maybe one or two per month). Our traffic is about 1,500 UV per month - not major compared to a lot of sites, but this is mostly targeted traffic.

I have other clients where I pretty much promote with the same techniques and I get good conversions. However, with her site - it's totally the opposite. I'm thinking that with 1,500 people per month - in which I know is pretty much targeted (since I promote to targeted audiences) - you would think that we would have more conversions.

My client did tell me that her products are priced quite high - I might be thinking that would be one reason that there is a lack of conversions. However, let's say that you do have 1,500 people that are interested (targeted) - I'm thinking that she would be getting much more than two conversions per month. Am I missing something here???