What is findaff.com's service?
While trying to promote products and services on-line, vendors spend valuable hours trying to find relevant websites for their product.
Using a regular search tool, each keyword provides tens on thousands of results, most of which are irrelevant for their needs.
In order to sort 200 relevant and active websites – vendors will need to explore at least 2,000 websites. At 2-3 minutes exploring each website, approx. 60 hours per week are being spent on exploring irrelevant websites.
Findaff.com have developed the most advanced and innovative search tool which is a MUST FOR EVERY WEB MARKETER. Our search tool will sort thousands of websites and will return only relevant and only active results.
How does findaff.com's search service work?
We have developed a tool which explores tens of thousands of websites and provides 100% accurate search results based on the desired keywords and search type. Vendors will need to choose one of our programs, submit the keywords for search and their chosen search type (affiliates, wholesellers or dropshippers) – and we will provide results within 48 hours.
i.e.: if the search type is for affiliates - we will provide only relevant and active affiliate websites.
We offer different programs at different prices: 200 results, 500 results, 1,000 results or an annual program. Regardless of the chosen program, we guarantee 100% results of relevant and active websites that match the requested keywords and search type within 48 hours of order.
findaff.com's tool provides an innovative solution like no other that will save vendors both time and money.
While trying to promote products and services on-line, vendors spend valuable hours trying to find relevant websites for their product.
Using a regular search tool, each keyword provides tens on thousands of results, most of which are irrelevant for their needs.
In order to sort 200 relevant and active websites – vendors will need to explore at least 2,000 websites. At 2-3 minutes exploring each website, approx. 60 hours per week are being spent on exploring irrelevant websites.
Findaff.com have developed the most advanced and innovative search tool which is a MUST FOR EVERY WEB MARKETER. Our search tool will sort thousands of websites and will return only relevant and only active results.
How does findaff.com's search service work?
We have developed a tool which explores tens of thousands of websites and provides 100% accurate search results based on the desired keywords and search type. Vendors will need to choose one of our programs, submit the keywords for search and their chosen search type (affiliates, wholesellers or dropshippers) – and we will provide results within 48 hours.
i.e.: if the search type is for affiliates - we will provide only relevant and active affiliate websites.
We offer different programs at different prices: 200 results, 500 results, 1,000 results or an annual program. Regardless of the chosen program, we guarantee 100% results of relevant and active websites that match the requested keywords and search type within 48 hours of order.
findaff.com's tool provides an innovative solution like no other that will save vendors both time and money.
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