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h1 vs. h2 tags


New Member
Has anyone done any experimenting on the SEO power of each?

I read yesterday that some SEOs are using h2 and getting better results.

Anyone experimented or know of someone who has?
I haven't tried changing it up myself but I have heard across the board on other forums that h2 is better for some reason (probably overuse of h1). I have been converting my sites to use h2 lately but I am skeptical as to how much of an impact it has.
A couple years ago I was getting the best results with H3, or at least that's what lots of people said was working at the time. My feeling at the time was also that H1 was over used. Have not tested or anything lately and nave have used H2 much. Just pretty much use 1 or 3.
Hey everyone, May be that i can help a little here. If you apply the understanding that h tags are headings for paragraphs, then it is a common sense solution to the proper use of them. If you have enough paragraphs of text for a page, the h tags should be used in order. The title of the page, then h1, h2 , h3 ect... This was the intent for sure as it is mostly just common sense. Just using one or 2 tags and not actulay putting them in order can gain better positions if the competing sites are onpage weak.

I actualy use onpage only to get top positions all across the US on a city by city basis, and most of the time i end up top 3 for 90 % of cities i target using nothing but strong onpage against pages that have 40 to 50 IBL's.

I can get one link to a page and get it indexed and beat out craigslist with the same title with only one IBL to get it indexed.

I have made clients sites jump 350 positions overnight from proper onpage.

Understanding what each type of tag or code is for can carry some heavy weight with Google if you use them properly.

I sometimes use them as far as h6 to get top positions on local levels, this is also great for longtail keywords in your field. And you can get instant top 3 if used correctly in these areas.

Hope this helps.
Thanks so much Jim. Was anxious to hear what you'd say. Since I don't do SEO professionally any more, I just have not kept up with things or done any testing lately. Thanks for weighing in!