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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Hello AffiliateFix: Marketing online in 2012 for 3 years, off for 14, Looking forward as to what has progressed after all these years.



Looking forward as to what has progressed after all these years.
I think basic strategy is the same but the tactics making conversions has evolved with the times.
Better devices
can do it mostly from your smartphone now
10 years ago this was very difficult
remember blackberry ouch!
remember how many sites crashed on your handheld?
maybe 50%?
not now
more like 5%

More advanced software
software is far more powerful
there is more players so more options for marketers
this made the software prices lower
or free

Higher awareness
More people internet educated
people 10 years of age in 2014 now 20 years or age
a generation grew up with internet
this means more potential customers

Market growth
many more opportunities now vs 2014
sure also more competitors
but now more niche spaces to explore

I think AM its better now
Well i think for sure spaming its not working like in the past where you can share some links everywhere and you will get some very good traffic
Now you must come with quality content ,help peoole ,bring value etc
I would say its not so easy like in the past