My name is James Salmons. I used my full name because you already have another James and I have never developed an interest in the typical web names—they are OK but I have so many interests I find it hard to think of myself being identified by any one of them.
While I am working on a number of web sites, the only one that is complete enough to talk about is the one which I do for the Master Gardeners of Douglas County, Minnesota. Gardening is one of my interests and I have been a part of that organization for over ten years.
I arrived here from a referral. It came from Jazzguy. Lyle's recommendation was enough for me to sign up and post this introduction without reading a single post. He also participates in the WebsiteBabble forum so I know the quality of his posts and trust his recommendation. You are fortunate to have him here.
Most of my work to date on the internet has been related to learning how to code and building content. I am just getting to the point of working on traffic and monetization so I am looking forward to what I will be able to learn here.
While I am working on a number of web sites, the only one that is complete enough to talk about is the one which I do for the Master Gardeners of Douglas County, Minnesota. Gardening is one of my interests and I have been a part of that organization for over ten years.
I arrived here from a referral. It came from Jazzguy. Lyle's recommendation was enough for me to sign up and post this introduction without reading a single post. He also participates in the WebsiteBabble forum so I know the quality of his posts and trust his recommendation. You are fortunate to have him here.
Most of my work to date on the internet has been related to learning how to code and building content. I am just getting to the point of working on traffic and monetization so I am looking forward to what I will be able to learn here.