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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Hello from Michigan!


New Member
I hope I am doing this right- I am new to forums and not sure how to post! I hope to learn a lot from reading other posts- so far there seems to be a lot of positive help on here. I am still in the process of building my site and hoping I chose the right niche- I went with my passion- not the money in it.
My only problem with this forum is I get reading and forget to go to sleep! I have been in here for a few nights before signing up- read til 4 am one time lol. You guys are great and I look forward to learning a lot.
Hi mawinz,

Welcome and thanks for doing such a nice intro. Thanks for the kind words and I'm so happy our info is helpful and so enticing. :p As you continue to read and learn you'll move from overwhelm to suddenly having that ahh-haa moment. Then everything will start to fall into place. :)

Ask questions when you have any because we are happy to help!