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Hello From Northern Ireland

Wild Thing

New Member
Hi my name is brian and I am basically a web slave to my job. Main concentrate on the e-commerce side of the industry but have various interests in directories and Xoops CMS
Hi Brian

Have you developed your own e-commerce application or do you prefer to use pre-existing carts?

I have recently started promoting Zen Cart for my clients. I've used Comersus in the past but have found that I have too many issues with it. So far I have found Zen Cart surpasses all my expectations.

Hi Michael
We use a very heavily modified version of OSC, it has been tried and tested on some major shopping sites we have constructed without a hiccup. As you know zen is an off shot of OSC so you IMHO are in the correct zone.
I used OSC on a site about six years ago. It was too feature rich for the client at the time, and they were not particularly tech-savvy, they really only wanted a billboard to advertise their services for tuning sports cars. Funnily enough they have just decided to go back to selling online, so this time it's Zen Cart.

Go with what you are used to, it makes it far easier to mod and explain to customers how to get the best out of the software
Welcome Brian, even i am new here.
Did you check out the Wordpress Shopping cart plugin/theme?
As we all know wordpress is the best CMS we have and the shopping cart feature is a bonus on that, give it a try.