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help !! how to get more subscribes and views on youtube ??

You need to be a bit more explicit about your needs.

What have you done so far?

What vertical are you working?

Is social and video allowed for your offers?

Your heading says, "how to get more subscribes and views", but your post says you help to get started. Which is it?

How will you make the videos, or do you plan on hi-jacking others videos?

Are you going to use paid ads?

What's your budget?
A cheesy, yet effective way, is to just ask.

Most of the successful YouTubers seem to use a similar breakdown :

Quick intro, less than 10-ish seconds
Icon & audio mix intro
End with request for "like" & "subscribe"
Create Quality Happening videos related to topics which are already happening. Rest Follow James Wedmore , Lazy Ass Stoner and Backlinko and few others.