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Help needed please!


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Hi i am 19 years old and going into my sophomore year of computer engineering, I have always been the entrepreneur type and have stumbled upon this. I am extremely knowledgeable about stocks as well as bodybuilding techniques and supplements. I was thinking about a website where I write 5-10 articles about how to reach certain goals through weight training aka toning size etc and then after that focus on reviewing supplements from a regular guy point of view. what do i need to get started should i go through go daddy and something like 1&1 and do it through free stuff or should I shell out some money and go through SBI if i do go through SBI do i need to also get a domain and host or is that included? If I am a hard worker and shell out all the money needed for a year is it possible for me to reasonably make 200 dollars per month from affiliates? thank you all

Welcome to 5 Star. I strongly recommend reading all the stickies in our newbie forum and then maybe some in the niche forum before moving forward.

In a brief nutshell, weight training, toning, supplements may be too competitive if you are brand new to marketing online. For example there are 6.7 million competing pages for "weight training". Many of those are big companies or marketing pros. May want to try a sub-niche or one specific area of those that isn't too competitive to start with.

Best way to start is a really hard question because everyone has an opinion and what works well for one person may not for the next. If money is SUPER tight to non-existent I would start with a blogger blog, just in the very beginning. You can get the hang of blogging and start writing some articles while you are figuring out the next best step. Then once you launch your own site, your blogger blog may be starting to get some traffic and you link to your new site and use the blogger blog as sort of an entry way to your new site.

But fairly soon you do want to get your own domain. There's just a lot to learn before you may be ready to make the best decision, so starting a blogger blog lets you get going while you are trying to figure it all out.

$ is impossible to say. Depends on a zillion factors. But 200 a month after a year is pretty conservative and realistic.

Hope this helps and best of luck!
Need help please!

Hi nattayb,

Pretty much, what Linda has outlined is fairly standard and generally good advice for any newbie just starting up. What is important in the beginning is getting a handle on exactly what you are willing to commit to and becoming clear about that so that you can focus on achieving that goal.

Once you've chosen a business model (like for instance, affiliate marketing), then learn everything you can about that model first. Find out what needs to be done to become successful (the steps you need to be aware of to succeed), what things you need to learn how to do, then go learn about them, and when you're ready start doing them. Whatever you do, do not get caught up in analysis paralysis. Just find the business model you wish to pursue and begin learning about and pursuing it.

If you are interested in learning about affiliate marketing and would like to cut through all the b.s. and hype, then I would suggest finding and reading Chris Rempel's Confessions of a Lazy Super-Affiliate. Just reading the sales page to the book alone can begin to open up your eyes to the reality that is involved in successful affiliate marketing. Obviously, I very much recommend this resource. It will shave a lot of time off the learning curve while giving you the straight dope on the business with no nonsense.

Just as a testimonial, two months after I read and digested Chris's ebook and began putting his advice into action, I began making affiliate sales almost immediately — $159 the first two weeks and $428 the next two weeks. Disclaimer: This isn't to say that anyone else will do the same, only that it is possible given having taken the correct actions. Although to be fair, it is not as difficult to achieve similar results as one might imagine. You just need to know what to do and how to do it and you will succeed! No question about it.

What is also very important to recognize is that: Having your own website is crucial to any success that you will likely have. It is much easier to direct targeted traffic toward your website and begin getting your website ranked in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) than it is to get free resources like a Squidoo lens or a Hubpage similarly ranked. I know this because I tried the free resources first before deciding to invest in my own web hosting package and my own websites.

So, the long and the short of it is, 1) Find your business model (whether it is AdSense ad revenue, pursuing CPA revenue, selling your own product, becoming an affiliate marketer or whatever); 2) Learn everything you can about how to make that model realistically work (if that means buying and studying a few well recommended ebooks then so be it); 3) Invest in putting up your own website (critical to your success); 4) Start working your plan (taking positive action to get your income producing streams up and running and producing).

As Linda mentioned, there is a lot to learn and only a short time to learn it if you want to get up and going as soon as possible. Don't waste time on "pie in the sky" hypie programs or sales pages. You're inherent intuition should be able to guide you away from those. Look for something with substance (something that makes inherent sense to you, almost without having to think about it) and follow that basic advice. Stay open to learning more and keep learning about what works, and soon enough you will achieve your goals!

Just to add that whatever you decide to do, do it soon. Get your site or blog out there

It is easy to get lost just microanalysing every nuance of every webhost looking for the perfect one. Just pick one of the more popular ones get your site up then fine tune things.

Agree with Linda that the niches you mentioned are super competitive and going after subniches may be the way to go.

Good luck
Hi ThomasEliot,

Welcome to 5 Star. Wow thanks for the long post and excellent advice you gave nattayb.
Hope we'll have the pleasure of seeing a lot more posts from you. :)
ThomasEliot, I know you have been a member for a little more than one year and this is your first post.

We have been communicating much of that time because of the technical problem that prevented you from making that first post until today.

Glad you are finally able to post, thanks to that new laptop.
Hi nattayb,

I agree with all the posts here and another thing you need to know in this business is that there is no short cut.

You can't cash in $20,000 overnight. It is good that you started with a reasonable goal at $200 a month. It is possible to achieve that if you follow the stickies here as Linda said and ask questions if you run into any problem. The members here are friendly and helpful.

Blog and article marketing are marvellous ways to help you get the hang of this business. Just be prepre to spend some time researching, writing and editing your post if you aren't spending for someone or softwares to write for you.

Hope that help.
First of all I want to thank of all of you! I'm amazed with how helpful everyone is.

I see and agree with Linda's point of starting with a sub niche. I'm thinking something towards the different types of creatine supplements. So please correct me if Im wrong but I could get a domain like "" or something get a good host and make my website, write a whole bunch of articles on specific types and then during the article link to the best products. Would it be a bad idea to link to only one affiliate marketer like which is a supplement megastore? or should i diversify? now once i did that I would want to submit my website to all the search engines and go around on forums promoting my site? and wait for people to start visiting?

thank you all
Also this is going to be a big request but could anyone show me an example of a decent affiliate site or a few of them thankyou all very much
Hi nattyab,
Correct me if i'm wrong, I can see you're trying to reach out too fast. Take one thing at a time, don't rush yourself and everything will be okay eventually. :)
Hi nattayb,

I can see that you are serious about affiliate marketing but I have to agree that you need to take things one at a time but that doesn't mean you take it slow. You just make things productive.

So, I recommend you take sometime to study the stickies and posts here before you did something wrong and waste your money. You can try:





Those are some discussion I find to be helpful for newbie. And there are more that help you to build your business.

Remember, you are looking for a long term and stable income and you need to get your basics right before you can earn any money. Just look at this, have you seen any skyscrapers build without its foundation?

Hope that helps. :D
Ive been working on trying to find a great niche within the bodybuilding market. I have found a four word phrase with only 19 results on google but with 180 searches a day is that good or is a four word phrase too much? I also have a two word phrase with 150 searches per day average and 950 google results are these good?
Hi nattayb,

You might got yourself a good long tail keyword for the 4 word phrase and I assume you at least phrase match you keyword when you do your searching.

But the thing that matter is that whether there is a market for it. Do you see any PPC ad on the result page?

If there is none, you might be having difficulty building a market from scratch.
I would try and sell bodybuilding supplements. For example pros and cons of bodybuilding supplement xyz (a common supplement) has 150 per day and only 19 or so results on google or is that too specific?
I wondered how you found anything with on only 19 results in Google. I was afraid you were looking at things wrong.

creatine is far from being non-competitive and has 8.4 million competing pages in Google.
Even allintitle: creatine which is the better indicator of competition has 307,000 competing pages.

Where did you come up with 19???

OOOOOPPPPPS Sorry, I got it now.

When you said: QUOTE: "For example pros and cons of creatine" I thought you were asking us what the pros and cons orf optimizing for a term like creatine were. I see now you must have searched for "allintitle: pros and cons of creatine". Sorry!:p
I don't know much about the supplement however those numbers do look REALLY good.

Here's another for you:

In Wordtracker "pros and cons of creatine" doesn't come up at all as a popular search.

However: "pros and cons of creatine monohydrate" has 109 searches and only 9 competing pages.

SO yes if you are planning on building a body building site and writing articles about specific topics like that that have low competition it could be a good strategy.

HOWEVER be careful about giving ideas and keywords away on forums where others with more experience could jump on your niche and create competition. So if that phrase is one you may work on - you may want to delete it so you don't create your own competition. Leave it there generically so the discussion still makes sense and just edit to say "pros and cons of xyzsupplement". PM and let me know if you need help and if you decide to edit let me know so I can edit my posts as well.
Okay thank you all

Ive found a good niche i believe allintitle:"**** ***** ********s" it produces only 678 results and wordtracker says theres 584 searches a day. I want to start designing a website and I already have a great affiliate that is through Commission Junction. Is it possible for me to start with a website thats free like tripod or should I start writing content until i have the necessary funds to get a website.
Hi nattayb,

Don't use tripod or any of the free web sites. If you have to go free for now use blogger.

Google owns blogger and like their pages. You'll NEVER see a good ranking in the SERPs
that's from a Tripod page. Other options to consider are or