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Help with Google PR.


New Member
I've had my site for about 9 months now (online Auction), since the 1st day i started looking for ways to get traffic. I had a subscription with Google adwords, and MSN adwords, on google i had in the 2 month i listed with them about 70 clicks + thousands of impressions and i was charged big. on msn no clicks. then i got a banner on spoofee etc... The traffic is still very low and not what i was expecting.
I recently created a topsites page also and started offering link exchange , and my rank is still 0.

I keep adding sites, the site number keeps increasing, my expenses too but not the traffic or the PR. I am hoping to get some advice on what I am doing wrong, but not sure if it is ok with the forum rules to have a link to my site in this post. I guess I’ll wait for the admin reply first.
Once you get more posts, you can ask for a website review.

A couple of things though, Pr doesn't bring rankings in the search pages, it is a measure of imortance, not relevance. Simpley getting a higher PR will not by itself bring you rankings.

You have an auction site, so you are up against ebay then :( HUGE task IMO. but it can be done.

You need backlinks using variations of your target key words. you need lots of backlinks also.

personally if I had an auction site I would be looking at getting traffic from suitable sites rather than trying to get ranked in the SERP's.
Thanks for the reply, I am my self a programmer also I did for a while web site creation, but never was into web site optimizations and advertisement etc... I started dealing with this the day I opened the auction site :sweat: and it is not an easy task, it is almost a full time job...
Anyway, can anyone direct me to a link where i can find more info about optimization for search engines and how to get more traffic etc...
Thank you.
Pm me your site so I can glance at it. until we know what we are looking at we can't help.

SEO is not a 'by numbers' thing, and until you understand how it works, you can't learn what is going to be said on sites. I could send you to a site, in fact I could give you a list of how to optimise a website. I then find that the 'general' recommendations don't apply to your site.

You have a specific site, it will be using a specific structure etc, so general recommendations might not apply.
1. carry out extensive keyword research and work on them. If you seriously think that you can rank for 'online auctions' etc, then you are in for a rude awakening, as those are going to be near impossible for a beginner. Ebay barely make it on to the first page in the UK.

2. evaluate the competition by viewing links titles search volume etc and grade into easy, medium term and long term.

3. match up money and doable phrases to pages.

4. apply basic SEO to pages including titles H1 copy etc,

5. build backlinks, to home page and to inner pages.

6. evaluate, and keep doing what your doing until you get what you want. moving onto the harder phrases. You need to be working on the long term and the medium term as part of your short term work.

7. ASK ASK ASK , you are going to need lots of help and support, so find a place you are comfortable and stay there. if you skip around forums etc, waiting to hear things like 2 it is easy, just do this this & this", then you wioll NEVER get what you want