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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Hi From Downunder


New Member
Hi all,

I'm very new to this whole affiliate thing - only been trying it for a week - so will need lots of help! Determined to quit my day job :p In my single week of trying this out, though, I've already learnt a lot so hopefull I might be able to share some info with some other newbies.

Hi Emily,

Welcome to 5 Star. Happy to have you with us and looking forward to helping you learn more about affiliate marketing. Start by reading all the stickies in the newbie forum, then ask questions if you have them. We're happy to help.
Welcome to 5 Star, Emily.

Linda already mentioned our Newbie Affiliate Forum as being the best place for you to begin. You can learn a lot of valuable information there.

Many of our members have been able to quit their jobs, but it does take some time and work.

Our members are friendly and very helpful, so they will help you. Just ask questions in the proper forum whenever you have any.

Thanks for joining.
Hi Rob!

From your post stats it looks like you've been in this for a while. How's it going?

Going well.

I do some affiliate marketing and bits and pieces of other online stuff - some for myself and some for companies.

Means I get to work from a cafe all day, so I am happy. :D