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hi i am Orpon


New Member
Hi Everybody,

i am working on some sports websites. a tv affiliate company i am working with but recently i realize that they are not giving me proper commission. some of my enemy/friend working on ad-center (Ad-Center) and they are earning much more than me. I tried to sign-up on ad-center but they are not verifying me. None of my friend helping me on this because may be they are jealous.

if anyone can help me on this...please replay me

Thank you All :)
Hello spark. Welcome to AffiliateFix Forum.

I just would like to say that it's a very competitive world and you need to make your own way through. In affiliate marketing everybody is a competitor but labelling them as an enemy is a very poor choice. Every body is here to make money and everybody tries their best to be successful. So if you wanna be successful then first of all change your attitude and consider everybody as your competitor not enemy. Don't wait for others to help instead just make your own way through. Lastly, if you are not approved at ad-center then give them a call to escalate your approval process.

Have a nice day :):affiliatefix:
well said internalsoul . i know they are my competitor and i treat them like friend. i am very much desperate to sign up on Ad-Center thats why i said like that. sorry

But there was no number for contract with them. they only have skype id but they didn't accept me on skype.
Hi, @spark . Your competitors/friends probably aren't helping you because they can't call them, either. :)

I tried for about half an hour to find a phone number for Ad-Center but their info is locked up tighter than a drum. No company name, no address, no phone that I could find. They're likely listed under a corporate name or something, which I don't know. Maybe @Elias Ad-Center will drop by here, though he hasn't been in the forums since May, I think.

Have you tried the email address?
Dear @azgold , I mailed on ad-center but they didn't active my account and didn't replay me yet. i tried to add Elias Ad-Center on skype but he didn't response. is there any other affiliate like ad-center? I am facing some serious problem with affiliation. I have a website on wrestlemania 33 but i didn't get any profit from that.

Help Me Please !! Thanks.
Hmmm...not sure what to say. I don't know these guys, myself.

I do see on their FAQ page that acceptance is supposed to be instant:

How long does it take to be accepted?
Instantly! We provide instant access to new accounts with limited restrictions until a dedicated affiliate manager can review your application. Ad.Center reserves the right to refuse applications at its discretion.

Which means, you should have known right away and not had to go through all of this.

I assume you did this?

I signed up, but never received my notification email
If you did not receive the notification email, it may be because your email account is blocking our messages. If you do not find our message in a spam filter, please contact us.

Their FAQ page (www [dot] ad-center [dot] com/front/faq) also says:

What if I have more questions?
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions do not hesitate to contact us via email or phone.

But fails to list a phone number. This is the email they list:

I'd say it may be time to move on. However, I am not familiar with your niche, so really don't know how to advise you. I'm hoping that this response bumps the thread, although it is an Introduction, so people may not realize you need help. You may fair better by creating a thread in the appropriate forum.

Sorry I can't be of more help. I will ask the other mods if any of them can give you direction.
Dear @azgold , I mailed on ad-center but they didn't active my account and didn't replay me yet. i tried to add Elias Ad-Center on skype but he didn't response. is there any other affiliate like ad-center? I am facing some serious problem with affiliation. I have a website on wrestlemania 33 but i didn't get any profit from that.

Help Me Please !! Thanks.

Have you considered running your own campaigns with offers from other networks?
@T J Tutor Sir,
I worked for marketbey, click2sell, officialTVstream, edigitalplace . I recently worked for eDigitalplace, but they didn't showing proper sell. So now i want to change my affiliate company. Some of my competitor are working with ad-center and they are making good money with them.

Thanks. :)