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Hi, I'm really New To this!


New Member
As the Title says, I am really new to this affiliate marketing business. So new as a matter of fact that I haven't even set up my web site yet! I have been taking the advice of a certain individual who posts here regularly, and I am doing my research and getting my ducks in a row first as far as lining up merchants and getting a website set up. Being a retired engineering consultant, I am the type of individual that prefers to plan my moves ahead ot time rather than blindly making rash spur of the moment decisions.
As I said, I am retired, and I am searching for a way to earn a solid income to rid myself of having to rely on Social Security as a means of bringing in money. I am a lover of the old "earning through hard work" tradition so I have no problem with seeing things through to fruition. All I have to know is How To Do It. I guess being brought up in Maryland had a lot to do with that.
Hi jcstras,

Welcome to 5 Star. We were all new at one time, so can relate to what you are going through.

Have you read all the stickies in the newbie forum? Have you picked a niche yet?
Those are good 1st steps before you start building a site.

Wish you the best! Just holler when you have specific questions and we'll try our best to help.
Welcome jcstras. It sounds like you are on your way to a good start in this industry, Follow Linda's advice and remember, the most seasoned and successful Affiliate/Internet Marketers started off being "really new to this". You're in good company. Take care and all the best.

Lyle (Jazzguy)
Hi, Jazzguy
Thanks for the welcome. It seems that the more I find out, the more I realize I have to learn.... I am going to take my time and research this as thouroughly as possible before I "pull the trigger", but I really feel I have made a quantum leap by finding this site and all of you guys! Once again, thanks
Jack S. (jcstras)
Welcome to five star

Hi this forum I am sure has been some use and you are doing the right thing before you take action. That is how I messed up 10 years ago. There is alot more to learn about this business than you could imagine, but anything is possible you just got to put your mind to it and work hard. Mike.
Thanks, Mike... I have been burned big time by the MLM folks and I am not about to go down that road again. I stumbled over this several weeks ago and have been more and more impressed by what I have been finding out since. I am really impressed by the sincerity and honesty that is being expressed here and I believe that finally at age 64 I have found a place that I can finally get going with what I really love to do... dealing with people and providing solutions to their problems. Righ now, I am in the process of narrowing down my Niche areas. As soon as that is done, I will be coming up with my first sites and be going online. What I really like about this is I can take this with me where ever I go... I do a lot of traveling, so this doesn't seem to be something that requires me to stay in one place to be successful, is that correct? I am on the Internet for hours a day, but travel a lot because my fiance' is with American Airlines and we go all over the world together. As long as I have Internet access, I am a happy camper. This seems to be something right up my alley! Thanks and here is to your success! ~Jack~
Hi, Jack, and welcome! You're one of those rare people who seems to appreciate the value of research before jumping into the deep end of the pool. Of course, there comes a point where you have to stop researching and start doing, but it doesn't sound like you're caught in the trap of overanalyzation just yet! ;)

It is a great field because of that flexibility of doing it from anywhere you can connect to the Internet. Sometimes I think, why isn't everyone doing this? It's so awesome! But it does take the kind of person who has patience, perseverance, and knows it's not going to happen overnight, or even overmonth, if I may coin a word.

I hope you have a great time learning about AM and we'll be glad to help any way we can!
Hi. Laura,
thanks for the welcome! I guess the tendency to research comes from being an engineer in the nuclear industry for many years. One needs to research, than take decisive action or you wind up with a nasty situation, so I am not afraid to "jump". I have jumped in the past when I became involved with the MLM crowd! I jumped, and was burned, over and over until I realized it was a dead end street! Affiliate Marketing seems to hold the promise of returning a good return if one persists. That sounds good to me. I don't have problems with the work or sticking to is the "upline" and sponsor getting money for my efforts that turns me off and causes me to lose interest real fast. What I like about this is the fact that I will be promoting products directly to a merchants site, and a customer's problem is solved. I like that idea and I get paid for it. I just downloaded "Website Baker" yesterday and when I decide on my Niche market, I will be signing up for my webhosting and domain etc. and off I will go I guess. So, you will be hearing from me I am sure.. after my first and second crash landings amd so forth! Once again, Great to meet you!
~Jack S.~
Hi, Jazzguy
Thanks for the welcome. It seems that the more I find out, the more I realize I have to learn.... I am going to take my time and research this as thouroughly as possible before I "pull the trigger", but I really feel I have made a quantum leap by finding this site and all of you guys! Once again, thanks
Jack S. (jcstras)

Sounds like a healthy way of thinking Jack...:) I look forward to your development and success. Take care and all the best.

Lyle (Jazzguy)