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Hi, I'm Self Promoting!


New Member
Not really. I read the rules, and I am refraining.

However! I am looking for a platform to receive and give authentic comments. Since the blog is new, engagement is near zilch. However, whenever I ask friends to comment via email, and post it to social media subsequently, other people are much more open to engage.

So I am looking for an inexhaustible source of give and take commenting for the early momentum and authority for my blog. Does anybody know of such a community or platform out here on the interweb? If not, do you think it would be a good venture?


Affiliates is a later step
Are you using social media, especially Twitter, Facebook, and Google+, to promote your posts yourself?

Also, what is the content of your blog?
Hey DJ,

I am using all of those channels, and my current audience is friends of family. I've just been doing a lot of writing, and now I am scouring the web for self-promotion groups that I can engage with to read, comment, and critique.

The goal is to have more articles up before I send my contacts an email blast to formally introduce my blog as subscription.

But right now I just need one to two comments on each post so I do not look like I'm out here standing on an island.

Right now I haven't found many places where I can engage with self-promoting bloggers. Do you know of such a place?



My blog has medium blobs on computer-user efficiency and brain hacks. …thus far