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How Can We Check If Our Blog Is In Google


New Member
A few weeks ago i announced my blog to Google, hoping it would appear somewhere.
When i use the google search and i put in

a always get the message that it is unknown

Till late last night i've been looking for a solution in Google Help, but in Dutch the help is very little as soon as it gets a bit more complicated i 'm automaticely switched to the english version and i can ashore you that for a Flemish lady it is not easy to understand .

Pls. help me out here i don't know what to do, i need to make money with my blog but that will be impossible if nowbody can find it.

A desperate Speedy
speedy, you didn't do it correctly for your particular situation.

You tried it by typing link:yourblogname

You should type link: yourblogname

You need to leave a space after the colon in your situation and when doing it that way, I found it.
Larwee said:
speedy, you didn't do it correctly for your particular situation.

You tried it by typing link:yourblogname

You should type link: yourblogname

You need to leave a space after the colon in your situation and when doing it that way, I found it.


I probably shouldn't have stated it the way that I did and I left out a lot just to make it easy for you to see what you were wanting to see. However Google gives this official information on what you should do when checking to see who links to you:
Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to Google. One such word for Google is the link: operator. The query link:siteURL shows you pages that point to that URL. For example, will show you pages that point to Google's home page.
As you can see, they do not leave a space.

If you are actually listed, then that method will work to show you who links to you. If you need to leave a space after the colon in order to find who links to you, that would indicate that you are being linked to buy you aren't yourself indexed in Google. So you did it the correct method and what I was saying was you didn't do it the correct way to find yourself since you aren't yet indexed.

But, being linked to means that you are going to be indexed. However it wouldn't be possible to tell you when since it can vary a lot with Google.
I am new to this forum and relatively new to blogging, but I think I read somewhere that all blogs with are automatically indexed with Google. Is this true?

I know there is a lot more to it to get your blog optimized, but is it true that you are indexed in Google just by using Blogger?
Blogger is owned by Google which might make people arrive at a particular conclusion.

Google has this to say about it:
If your blog publishes a site feed in any format and automatically pings an updating service (such as Google Blog Search Pinging Service), we should be able to find and list it. Also, we will soon be providing a form that you can use to manually add your blog to our index, in case we haven't picked it up automatically. Stay tuned for more information on this.
Google mentioned the Google Blog Search Pinging Service. There are many others, but here is a link to lots of information from Google about their blog search pinging service
Another way is to tape your URL in Google. If there is 0 return, you are not listed. I do like that, but I am not sure it's 100% accurate.
Do I read correctly that I have to manually ping Google even if I have Blogger set to ping weblogs automatically? (Publishing tab in Blogger, Send pings set to Yes)

I am no where near ready to figure out what they are telling me about setting my site up to ping automatically, but I'll ping manually if I have to.

Seems odd they would give us the option to ping weblogs automatically if we have to turn around and ping manually.

I do ping using Ping-O-Matic and ipings to reach a wider audience.
Are you saying you have blogger set to auto ping
PLUS you are using Ping-O-Matic PLUS ipings?

Thats too much. All those service for instance probably ping technorati and Yahoo and many of the other majors. If you use all 3 services above then you are pinging everyone 3 times. So it could look spammy and I dont know if they'd block you or what - but it's just not good to over ping.

I have wodpress set NOT to autoping because I sometimes have changes after I publish and see how my title fits. May even decide after looking at the finished post that I want to target different keywords in the post. Id it autopings then it will ping with the 1st title before changes are made.

After I get it the way I want it I use because it pings the most places. After you set up pingoat the 1st time, then you just bookmark it and don't have to fill the forms out again.
There are many way to get indexed by Google anyway, one of the easiest way is visit more forums and blogs, participate into their disucssion and leave comments with a link back to your site.

That's how I promote my site on both SE and human sense. :) But I am not asking you to post spam comments or spam blogs, this is not GOOD! :D :cool:

Try it for at least 2-4 weeks, and you do the search again, I guarantee you will pick up by Google even as quick as 48 hours, depends on the site traffic.

One more tips, if you want to blog effectively and found by Google fast, use Wordpress blogging instead of Blogger blogging and I mean host your own blog but not the free hosted blog.

Cheers.. all the best in promoting your site.
Just a quick note, you use the "link" command to check the number of backlinks you have. You would use the "site" command to see if a site is actually listed in Google.

For instance, to see if your blog is indexed, you would type


And from doing that quick check, it appears your blog has been crawled; only the homepage is indexed, however.

~ Teli