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how come


Senior Member
How come I have been working on building backlinks , I have really good content , many indexed pages yet I have in front of me websites that have few or almost no content , very few indexed pages and very few backlinks.

The only advantage the other website have is the age of the domain ( 1 or 2 years older ). Is the age of the domain so important after this update ? :confused:

I know it has its importance but....
Age of domain do have some effect but I think the authority of the links you get also matters, if you get 20 backlinks from PR1 and PRO site for example is less valuable than a single PR5 link on the homepage of nice site, that could be the problem. So in your backlink building, go for links from homepage on authority site in your theme
1 links from ERP solution website
2. link from Chamber of Commerce Sw-Ro
3. Links from a print shop
4. links from directories
5. links from consultancy website
6. links from forums

and the list can continue.

Most of the links are quality ones from what I know.
The links are high quality and impressive.... could the site be in Google sandbox? If a new site acquire link too quickly, google block the benefits of the link passing on the the new site..
No, the site is not new , actually you know the site Temi. It has already passed through this problem.

Once again , the only pro for the other sites seems to be the age of the domain.
If you mid says it the age, then its got to be the age... so you may have to wait some time before result starts filtering through.

I am not too sure about age being a fator this days, this days, any site I put online, withing a few days, they are on page 1 two or 3 in SERPs but I rember one OWG post where he said Google trust certain people... I wonder if that is the reason my new sites get to top pages within a few days of launching the sites.

I will send you example via email and I will also like you to witness the progress of another new site I will be launching in the next two days, I am fairly confident that the site will be on the top 5 SERP pages withing 2 to 4 weeks
How long have you been waiting darkstar ? sometimes it's just a matter of waiting for google to find the links etc, ive been waiting around 3 weeks for google to find some of my high quality links and it only managed it the other day, maybe the links just havent been crawled yet or you added all the links to quickly then stopped link building so google saw inconsistent work ?
I have been building links constanstly. The website is running for about a month ( with me working on link building ) , it has already got good positioning on google but , I am still behind some sites.
A month isnt that long and since googles been messing around with their updates ive found the SERPS takin a little longer than usual, id carry on doing what you are doing and it will eventually give you true results.
I have found out after another research that most of the websites ( actually 90% of them ) that lie ahead of my site in google are also listed in DMOZ.

So I guess its explaineble till a certain point why most of them are ahead of me, and why some got some extra links.
This is increasingly pointing at the fact that the are ahead of you mainly because of age.... it takes time to get into DMOZ
So the sollution seems obviously now , I will also take your advice Temi.

I will continue to build quality links in a normal way ( not too many too fast ) and wait for the results. I guess time will fix this matter.

Thank you all replying here. All answers appreciated.
