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How do I get an account in clickbank


New Member
how long does it take to get verified ???
Can't register lol
is there any other sites like click bank ?
sorry for the silly question :)
it takes no thing just upgrade from here
and you will get verified.

there is lot .
clicksure ,jvzoo , a lot of CPA Networks Out there .
just sty in this Forum and you will know every thing .
you can always as if you don't know any thing .
we are here to help each other .
I think he asking about getting verified from ClickBank account?

I thought ClickBank are free to register?
how long does it take to get verified ???
Can't register lol
is there any other sites like click bank ?
sorry for the silly question :)

When you enter your banking information, this will be verified so as to confirm it as a valid payment processing destination.

As far as I know, this is the only verification requirement at ClickBank at the moment. Other networks are a bit more involved and often include phone verification these days.
here is the reply from clickbank asked them why can't I register to your site


Thank you for your interest in ClickBank! Unfortunately, we cannot offer you an account at this time. Regrettably, we are unable to make any exceptions to this rule at this time.

Best wishes!

guess I will try something else
what is the second most easiest affiliate site after clickbank for beginners JVzoo?