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How do I get my website noticed by search engines?


New Member
Hi Iam new at this so forgive if i dont get all the information right.
But I got my affiliate website,domain name and i know it exists,because i looked it up. how do i start to get the search engines to notice it? right now it is getting 0 traffic . If any one has any ideas i would appreciate the help. Thanks.
Max, you need to get a good course on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - the process of getting a website not only to be found, but to rate high (preferably in the top 3 results) on the results page.
How old is your site? How long have you had it live under its current domain name?
Max, welcome to the forum. I'm new here too.

I'd recommend reading the Search-Engine-Marketing-SEO section on this forum and start educating yourself. There is a ton of great info from people who have had success doing exactly what you're trying to do. Before you know it you'll be an SEO Ninja! Good luck.
Thanks for info im going to do alot of research on SEO. I found one online free course . im going to go to work on it now. P.S my site is only about 2 weeks old.
2 weeks is like a few seconds in internet time. You're going to need to be patient.
Max, first enter your site into Google Webmaster Tools. This way you can monitor which search terms your pages might be coming up for. And then, start building some anchor text backlinks. But as Minstrel indicated, you site is very new. So don't expect too much too quick.

Do you know which search terms you are going after? Are they easy...hard?
I think I may have missed a couple things. You said

"I know it exists because I looked it up"

Did you just type it into the url bar, or did you search it on Google? Is it indexed? If it's not indexed in Google, you need to build some links to it. Putting it in your forum signature should work.

This slipped my mind before. What I've found to help new sites more than anything is simply adding more pages to them. Link back and forth between your pages using your desired anchor text. Just make sure to put the links in the page content.

A bonus is that your new pages will start ranking for some long tail keywords as well.

This works like a charm. Can't believe I didn't think of it before. Must be brain drain...
Have you optimized the content on your site? You will want to use your keyword for each page in the title of the page. And sprinkle it through out the article. Use related keywords also. This helps educate Google as to what your site is about.
In addition, using a free plugin such as All In One SEO can help.

For linking you will want internal and external links. Internal links, link from pages within your site to other pages in your site. External links come from outside sources. Here you will want to use backlinking techniques such as article marketing, social bookmarking, creating web2.0 properties etc.
The most important thing to get your website's pages discovered and indexed are links to your pages. Buying links is against Google TOS, so make sure you are not getting links this way.
Hey dude. First up you need to ensure that you have quality content on your site. Then you need to start building back links. If you are totally new then do some research on indexing your site, SEO and backlinks. There is a lot out-there so only take what you need. Best of luck with it.
Hi Iam new at this so forgive if i dont get all the information right.
But I got my affiliate website,domain name and i know it exists,because i looked it up. how do i start to get the search engines to notice it? right now it is getting 0 traffic . If any one has any ideas i would appreciate the help. Thanks.