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How do you know Google trusts your site?


New Member
One of the most important factors to get good ranking is being trusted by Google, how do you know that your site is trusted by Google?
Good question that i have been meaning to ask myself.

To me google appears to show more trust when your site is around 6 months+ old and you have some solid backlinks from authoritive sites. Yahoo seems to take a lot longer to gain trust.
Thanks for that Mrcrawley, but could you define what you mean by trust to me (whether from Google or Yahoo), I just want to make sure we are singing from the same hymn book.
Well to be honest i don't know much about it other than it effects your ranking and that strong backlinks can help to boost it. Does it sound like i'm on the wrong rails??
I found some weeks ago an excellent article which discuss this. Let me suggest you to have a look at OWG's article.
I know there are lots of article out there on this subject by experts, the idea of this thread for people like you (who is an authority in your own right) can put some of your skills and knowledge here at UK WW that people searching on this subject will hopefully be attracted to :)

So the ball is back in your court, what are your own personal experience of what constitute Google trust or can make Google trust a site?
As far as a i know the most important factors are the follows:
have a sitemap page,
write a privacy and policy text,
display your address on a contact page or else,
have backlinks from trusted webpages.
If you are ready i think you may be sure that google trust your site:)
Thanks very much for that Bagi. I will just add one or two items:
i. don't link to sites Google does has penalty against (so call bad neighborhoods)
ii. Do not use site wide links too much.

And I think the ultimate way to know if Google trust your site or not is when you add a new page to your site, how quickly does it start showing up in SERPs? On my blog, I have had articles that start showing in Google SERPS with a few hours of the article being posted.
Well to be honest i don't know much about it other than it effects your ranking and that strong backlinks can help to boost it. Does it sound like i'm on the wrong rails??

You are very close to perfection MrCrawley, if you can just qualify the backlinks as "strong quality"
Age + links from trusted websites

My site is about a business in Oradea...

My site is x years old

My site is linked from important sites in Oradea ( like the city hall , the local highschooll ) and maybe few links from an online newspaper and wikipedia.

-> my site has visitors...many visitors.

Have I been to short on my reply ?
Have I been to short on my reply ?

Excellent response Mihai, you have not been too short... you have actually added a few more points other people have not touched before, like the example you gave about having a site about Oradea and getting links from Oradea related trusted sites. add more if you can think of more please : )
I simply just think its important, if your website is also targeting local results, to try to get some links from sites in your region. Also try to get links from organisations. Its a tremendous help to have a link from a respected organization.

You can think like this. If you are running a business, for sure there have to be a organisation that run the chamber of commerce for that region or for that business. If the website of this chamber of commerce has no members page, propose the administrator to create one, and even help the administrator by poiting him to some good business.

Else, almost any organisation has a members page, try zo get yourself listed there. From my experience, contacting the persons in charge by phone is helping much, it proves you are a serios person with a serios business.

If you develop software and you need free promotion, try to send a demo of your software to a respected magazine. They will distribute it along with details about your software ( including a link ), and you may even get a link on their website.

If you do not have a website, try to write good tutorials about software or about design and graphics, something that could be interested for an usual computer user.

If you want a hint , try for example ( I think they have international magazine also ). I have contacted personally through phone a person who manages these articles and softwares and if the solution I proposed to him would have not been an ERP, he would have accepted my proposal and I would have also got a link.

Anyway I think I will try to send them a demo with their DVD, maybe I will get some vizitors this way.

I think that is enought for now. If you need more details about how and what to do you can ask.
That is just the result of these efforts.

1. A truested site also has good traffic, this way you get traffic through being linked from an authoritar website
2. A trusted website helps you with an increase in SERPs

The result will be a major increase in traffic.
Love the topic and some of the answers. Not sure I can agree or disagree with any of them as Google obviously has a mind of its own and is forever changing it.

Interesting things to look out for. One of the things that I would most disagree with is Sitemaps - this is totally irrelavant and removed them from most of our sites.
One more thing come to my mind. The broken links kill the trust, since in some approach google represents the visitor's interest, and a 404 server respons suppose to disappoint the users:)
I wrote a small article about website trust, if by any chance you are interested in reading ( BWT if the site loads in romanian in the left hand side you can choose for english )
So here we go.. J.Mihai - Internetul prin ochii mei - Authority sites

I would also like to say that at the point with blog post appearing quite fast , the site trust is give also to the script ( if I can say so. Many blogs get indexed quite fast ), not just only the site.
I like these kind of discussions, keep them going. Now my question to you is, how come my web site has lots of indexed pages on Yahoo and less on Google? I'm doing really bad on MSN/Live and would really like to improve MSN.

I've done some SE work and the site is relatively new, has some good back links and steady link building strategies has started. I suppose the age of a domain, and the amount of quality backlinks is what makes a search engine trust your web site, simply because domains that have been registered years ago tend to rank much better on search engines.

It seems at least for my site that Yahoo has gained trust quicker than Google, please take note, that the site I am talking about is a web directory and represented on my signature, so what's your view on this? I usually ranked so much faster on Google and slower on Yahoo few months ago, now it's the other way around. Conclusions?

- Meti