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How does a directory will get ban by google?


New Member

I am new with this whole directory thing. I read a lot of thread in this section where people are talking about getting ban/blocked by google. Why does this happen? and how to prevent it from happen to my site? I am completely new so I am not quite understand why google ban. In my first impression will be due to adult or gambling content? or something similar? :withstupid:
Hi, if you want to achieve result in the Google game you need to play according to the quality guidelines.
You should avoid:
-Cloacking (making display different content for search engines),
-Hidden text (this is a subtype of cloacking in my opinion),
-Link purchasing (you may buy links in order to gain traffic, no search engine manipulation),
-Creating doorway pages (has no internal link pointing to it),
Suddenly these are which came to my mind, and these may get your site penalized or even bannished:)
Another reasona directory can get banned from google is if the directory is open for all, that is anyone can get their site listed regardless of the site quality doesn't matter whether it is listed for free or for a fee.
I see, so most of the reasons are pretty much quite common sense, as well as following the book with no black hat tricks.
