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How I made $36,786 in a Month by My Super Secret Way to Find Content To Write About


New Member
So as I mentioned before, I have a lot of tips and tricks to share with you that will not be posted on the blog, and this is one of them.

Super Secret Way to Find Content To Write About :

If you're struggling with figuring out what to write about, whether it's for your next blog posts, or that eBook you're working on, try this method out:

1. To find a Niche, Go to and type in keywords that are related to your niche. For example, if your site or eBook was about flyfishing, you'd type in flyfishing in the search field.

2. Locate the top books in the search results, and click on one of them. This will open up the page that shows you what it's about, how much it costs, etc.

3. Look inside the cover. The cool thing that Amazon does is that it shows us the first few and the last few pages of most of their books. And what page is always shown when you "look inside"?

The Table Of Contents

The table of contents will show you exactly what kinds of things people are talking about within that niche. So, for our flyfishing example, in one of the top books, I see the following:

Part 1: Flyfishing
1. Introduction
2. Understanding Fly Tackle
3. How to Fly Cast
4. Fly-Fishing Tactics
5. The Biology of Fish

...and so on and so forth.

Now, you don't want to just copy each of these parts of the table of contents verbatim and use them yourself. They are too general! They should, however, give you ideas on what you can write about.

So for example, here are some blog post titles or chapters of eBooks that I've derived just from this part of the table of contents:

5 Types of Fly Fishing Tackle and the One That Works Best
What Exactly Triggers a Fish to Eat Your Artificial Lure
Why That Fish Won't Even Look at Your Fly
The Beginner's Guide to Casting a Fly Rod
How to Practice Fly Casting
8 Fly-Fishing Tips to Give Yourself the Best Chance to Catch Fish
Advanced Fly Tackle - For Serious Fisherman Only

Important Note : Free domain such as or may not give you the best result. So, better you register a Domain name according to your niche.

Tools, that I'm using for my Blog :
1. WordPress CMS -> WordPress ? Download WordPress
2. Best WordPress Themes from different categories, you can get it at 50% discount from here. -> Themeforest Best Premium WordPress Themes at 50% Off
3. Bluehost Web Hosting to host my blog. Click here to get discount and a free domain -> Web Hosting, Domain Names, eCommerce -
4. Fiverr Gig to make my article unique. -> make your Article UNIQUE to Pass Google Plagiarism - fiverr
5. Fiverr Gig to submit my RSS Feed to top 27 RSS Directories. -> add Your Feed Url to 27 RSS Directories Instantly - fiverr

You get the idea.

We're basically getting a boost of inspiration from looking inside the covers of these books. If you think about it, a lot of money went into helping the authors figure out how to organize and determine what they were going to write about, so now you can use that as your own starting point to make even better content for your eBook or blog.

So try it out. Go to Amazon, enter a keyword, look inside the covers, find the table of contents, and get inspired.

I hope you've enjoyed this tip. There are definitely more to come. Thanks, and best of luck to you! Cheers!
How are you monetizing these things?

A Claver question srijon!!!!
Ok I'll explain you a bit more...

If you wanna write a eBook and don't know where to start then the above tips will help you a lot.
Later you can sell your eBook on different forums e.g. WarriorPlus, ClickBank, AppSumo, E-junkie Shopping Cart for selling downloads & tangible goods

Now come to the point of monetizing blog:
You can monetize your blog through different CPA offers, just monetize your blog with the banner ads of your affiliate link.

If you are writing the quality content then you can use the content locker to earn more... :)
Great tip. Sounds like a good way to grow a list, too.

Yes, azgold!
I wanna go little bit more deep into this, so that other members will understand this easily.

Let take an example of Weight Loss niche, find some good books at Amazon and collect the data using above tips.
Then write a good eBook on this Niche e.g. "10 ways to Weight Loss in a Week" or something like that.

Then make a pitch page and give this eBook for free, to build a email listing and get targeted traffic every time you publish a new post.
Enjoy :)
Your Thread title states "How I made $36,786 in a Month by My Super Secret Way to Find Content To Write About"

I see you told us how you came up with ideas for a book, but I don't see the "how" that's in your thread title. Would you share the "How I made $36,786 in a Month" in your title . Maybe give us the details of your traffic sources, CTR and Conversion stats, screenshots of your earnings pages, tangible data?
Hi, i read this thread and i have question.
Ok i create my website write a ebook but how people find me and my traffic wil come up?
Its like a google search engine or some other thinks?
And ebook write all text in website or some pages and the left pages place to pdf ?
i'm currently on a project, and reading this thread gave me some idea on how to add a little bit of spice to the content i'm building right now. Thank you very much for the tips my good sir.