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How I'm Making $2/View With YouTube... REALLY!

I don't have a product, but I'm sure there are many good offers out there that I could promote. I just seem to be stuck on proper keyword and niche research. Then there's content creation, also another thing I'm not 100% sure on either. I'm a tech guy at heart, so any driving directions would be helpful. Thanks!
You can also add another twist to this... make your movies pop up by using Animoto. They have a free version but for $5 a month, you can crate videos who stand out in front of your competitors.
Im not an english native and I struggle with my accent, so that is why I am hiring hot chicks off fiverr to make the "testimonials" or "reviews" for me, or just put a combination of slides and pictures with Animoto online.

It worked just fine for me in the past :)
@jebuskrus - You cannot download your video from Animoto with free version...Windows Movie Maker just works fine:)

Question for Jay

How do you find new niches for YT? Like when you are finding it for your sites or something else?
Personally I am using Google Trend for finding new niches...

p.s. Have you ever tried content locking(incentive cpa) +youtube?
I'm curious Jay, if the recent upset (and consequent user uprising) will have an effect on YouTube marketing. I know people can still watch the videos, you just can't very easily engage with them. Then again, maybe you don't need to.
Great guide. Much appreciated. I've been considering this type of method lately for affs, including Clickbank.

You said you used a bunch of terms. So, like how many? And is it a bunch of niche keywords (with fewer searches), or more popular keywords (with higher searches), or both together?

There are no exact numbers that I use. I don't say "okay three keywords per video at a medium level competition". Each video I judge on a case by case basis.

Most videos though usually target around 1-3 main keywords. Some have low competition, some have higher. Often though I'll softly target a few more lower competition keywords on top of my main ones by sprinkling them into my description and tags sections too.

The key is to choose titles that are keyword targeted but that are also appealing so that people click on them. Take the title of this video for example which is: "Make Money With YouTube (And Get Over $2/View)"... the main keyword is "Make Money With YouTube" but the "And Get Over$2/View" makes it much more eye catching and appealing so that people actually click on it.

Or my other video "How To Create A Website From Scratch In Under 10 Minutes"... the main keyword is "How To Create A Website" which is pretty high competition but it's also targeting a lower competition keyword "How To Create A Website From Scratch" and then the "In Under 10 Minutes" bit just makes it look more appealing so that people click on it.

I don't have a product, but I'm sure there are many good offers out there that I could promote. I just seem to be stuck on proper keyword and niche research. Then there's content creation, also another thing I'm not 100% sure on either. I'm a tech guy at heart, so any driving directions would be helpful. Thanks!

My advice would be to pick a niche that you know about and that you enjoy reading/talking about. Not only will this make the whole process a lot more enjoyable for you but it makes building your YouTube channel much easier because you can literally just 'speak about what you know' and that'll come across really authentically on camera.

So if you you're a golf coach who likes talking about golf for example creating a series of videos about golfing strategies wont be that hard and people will see that you really do know what you are on about. Or you could just review products that you use anyway for a niche that you're ubterested in and simply talk about 'why those certain products' are cool on camera as if you were explaining it to a friend.
@jebuskrus - You cannot download your video from Animoto with free version...Windows Movie Maker just works fine:)

Question for Jay

How do you find new niches for YT? Like when you are finding it for your sites or something else?
Personally I am using Google Trend for finding new niches...

p.s. Have you ever tried content locking(incentive cpa) +youtube?

The previous answer kind of ties into this but basically I look for niches in a very similar way to how I look for SEO niches and I usually just have my channel as an 'extension' of an SEO site. So I look for low competition niches that are profitable and that I know something about. I then set up sites based around those niches and get them ranking in Google and then I build up a YouTube channel alongside it.

A big advantage of already having a SEO site based around your niches is you can then simply embed the videos into your content and they'll pretty much start to get off the ground and rank as people find your site in Google, find your videos and then interact with them.

A high traffic SEO site though isn't totally necessary to build up a channel it's just another way to help grow them.

I'm curious Jay, if the recent upset (and consequent user uprising) will have an effect on YouTube marketing. I know people can still watch the videos, you just can't very easily engage with them. Then again, maybe you don't need to.

I assume you are talking about the whole comments/google+ integration?

If so I seriously doubt it's going to have any effect at all. The vast majority of people wont kick their YouTube habit over something as small as this and I bet Google is working hard right now to figure out a resolution to it because the tube is seriously important to them.

I see it as kind of like when Facebook updates something new and then a whole bunch of users rage about the new feature or 'privacy issues' for a while but then eventually they get used to it or Facebook repeals that feature. At the end of the day it's not going to stop people from using Facebook.

But lets say even IF hypothetically people ended up leaving YouTube for some reason (which is highly, highly unlikely for now) then another substitute would pop up in it's place and I'd have all of my videos ready to upload and get ranking before other people had a chance. The cats out of the bag and video consumption is growing rapidly as people get faster internet connections and smartphones, iPads and other devices that allow them to watch videos anywhere, anytime.