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I'm kinda new in this affiliate marketing field.
But I'm a tech guy, doing web design and dev for 5+yrs
I'd like to understand a breakdown of the above Question I've asked --
How Long It Takes To Startup A Tech Affiliate Site??
If I startup a Wordpress help and guide site, will I be able to do affiliates on that??
or any good suggestions or link to info??
Pls share with me.
Or email me : infobd.b2b [to]gmail [com]
I'd like to understand a breakdown of the above Question I've asked -- How Long It Takes To Startup A Tech Affiliate Site??

This question is too ambiguous. You could install WordPress in a matter of minutes, add a theme, spend a day adding minimal content, or you could build a plan around what you want the site to do, study the market and your competitors, create an appropriate theme, start building a high volume of quality content to add before you launch, and spend a few days every week adding more quality content. After a few months of building traffic, you can then start adding ad space to sell, or to place banner ads from your affiliate networks.

Starting a quality site takes far longer to launch that just slapping together a site. As well, to properly monetize a site like you suggest, you need extremely high quality and current content added several times a week to expect continued growth and successful monetization.

If I startup a WordPress help and guide site, will I be able to do affiliates on that??

What do you expect affiliates to do on your content site?