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How many web directories do you manage?


New Member

I see lots of webmasters that manage lots of web directories; how many do you manage, and what do you think is a reasonable number of web directories you can manage?

I personally, think 2-4 web directories are a great number of web directories, as you're able to dedicate your time to those web directories; I've seen webmasters with network of web directories, some doing very well in the business.

I manage one web directory at the moment, and I'm planning to develop a bidding directory in the near future, but, as the thread says how many do you manage?

- Meti
I would say something like really depends on how business owners look at directories.

Many own directories because this is the business they are in. They make their money from directory submissions.

Others own directories for other purposes such as using directories to get links to other websites they may own.

For our part - it is a combination of both!

Whilst we own many directory domain names - we own 5 directories.

Our highly promoted UK One directory

Our unique number one Bidding Directory

2 further bidding directories at UK Bidding Directory and UK Bidding Directories

Plus our UK Travel Directory - relaunching in 2008

Notice the emphasis on UK !!!
I own about ten or so directories but you are right, if one's core business is not directory, one should not have more than 2-4 but I am trying to reduce my directory portfolio and focuse on 4 that will be very well promoted and managed.

I think spreading one's self too thinly is not a great idea. but the reason I have many directory is that some of the lesser directories are quite useful for link trading and I love bargains, when I see a directory with PR4 going for a song, I usually cannot resist buying it, that is why I think I have far more directories than I originally planned to have,
I think spreading one's self too thinly is not a great idea. but the reason I have many directory is that some of the lesser directories are quite useful for link trading and I love bargains, when I see a directory with PR4 going for a song, I usually cannot resist buying it, that is why I think I have far more directories than I originally planned to have,

It's not only web directories; it's web sites. I've slowly reduced the amount of web sites I owe, due to the time and efforts they all require. I don't like having many, as it only gives you headaches when you think of how many you need to work on.

- Meti
i am currently managing 15+ directories 1 is free others are paid ones

general ones and few nichies

Isin't that quite hard? I manage one at the moment, and it probably takes 1/2 hours per day; link building, promotion etc.. I couldn't imagine myself managing 15 web directories -- do you have staff besides yourself helping you managing these directories?

- Meti
I have been to Landudno once, but I thought it was spelt Llandudno? or you are making it easy for the English tounge or missed registering Llandudno?

Lovely site you've got there :)
I really would love to get into the directory niche, but seems a startup directory
would be very hard to begin due to the competitiveness of your niche.

If I could find one with abit of PR as Temi said, going for a song, then I'd begin now :)
I really would love to get into the directory niche, but seems a startup directory
would be very hard to begin due to the competitiveness of your niche.

If I could find one with abit of PR as Temi said, going for a song, then I'd begin now :)

I achived a Pagerank 2 in less than two months of time, to be honest I wasn't expecting any page rank; I'm sure it will have a good pagerank by the next update, but PR isin't a very important factor for me.

- Meti
Just one is enough for me ... I find checking links, payments and so on incredibly mind numbing.

I've noticed a few Welsh directories knocking around here ... make sure you guys submit to Welsh Directory... free reciprocal links for Welsh sites...
I am kind of feeling bad with the spammers.

so, I am not building new directories.

so, just got a account instead.

So, opting to park my domains then develop them at this time.
I have 26 directories but heavily manage 15!!

I think I need to downsize a bit!!

I do believe 100 percent in the future of them!!!