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How Mobile Traffic Should Be Changing Your Online Marketing Strategy



Mobile Traffic To Retail Sites To Hit 15% During Holiday ?11

Mobile Traffic To Retail Sites To Hit 15% During Holiday ’11
by Greg Sterling, Search Engine Land
Nov 4, 2011

More evidence of the growing importance of mobile comes this time from IBM, which predicts that “an unprecedented 15 percent of people in the U.S. logging onto a retailer’s Web site are expected to do so through a mobile device.” This is based on data analyzed by IBM and collected from the 500 leading US retailers.

Last month, according to “Big Blue,” 11 percent of people visited a retail website on a mobile device. In particular the iPad will play a significant role in “mobile” purchase behavior. IBM said that “shoppers using an iPad will lead to more retail purchases more often per visit than other mobile devices.” IBM added that iPad conversion rates were 6.8 percent in the iPad vs. 3.6 percent for mobile devices overall.

Other recently holiday related mobile predictions and estimates include:

  • Google saying that “44 percent of total searches for last minute gifts and store locator terms will be from mobile devices.”
  • Performics said that “Google search clicks from mobile devices are now 14.2 percent of all search clicks” and expects paid clicks coming from mobile to grow to 17.3 percent this December
How Mobile Traffic Should Be Changing Your Online Marketing Strategy
by John Fairley

Mobile technology is changing the way consumers access brands and information. No surprise there. But according to a recent study by Walker Sands, the number of web users leveraging mobile access is growing at an exponential rate.

Walker Sands? Q3 Web Traffic Report, a quarterly measurement of web traffic across a range B2B and B2C companies, reveals that mobile traffic accounted for more than 10% of total web traffic in Q3 2011 ? up from just 4% in Q3 2010.

With mobile traffic experiencing a 153% year-over-year gain, it?s critical for online marketers to understand the ramifications of an environment in which smartphones and small screen devices now represent 1 out of every 10 online brand connections.

Most people are well versed in the growth in smartphone sales, but few consider the impact of this on their own site. Companies think only the most sophisticated consumers are browsing on a smartphone. Our study shows that across every industry, even traditional ones like construction, manufacturing, and logistics, mobile now accounts for a statistically significant percentage of all website traffic. Any business with an online presence should be planning strategies for this channel.
