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How Non-Promoting Should Blog Be?

King Conga

Active Member
So, I tried submitting an article on that was rejected because they said it promoted my product too blatantly. So, I try writing an article that doesn't even mention the name of the product that I'm promoting (except in the Resource section), and instead do a brain dump from my very fertile mind, and experience about the subject I'm writing that I'm pretty sure is unique to the crop of articles I'm competing with. In fact, I made it a 2-part article cuz I read that draws even more traffic, although, I'm not sure how I need to present that in the article directories. Yet, I go on Squidoo and see dozens of articles that are WAY more brazen than mine re:self-promotion factor.

Just so I don't get called down here as well for self-promotion, I won't put the link in here, but the title of my article is Awesome Universal Tips for Beat Editing. If I could get any gurus here to please take a look at it I will gladly go to any of your blogs and SHAMELESSLY promote yours, even if it's about underwater basketweaving. I'm just really trying to learn this craft here.

Hi KC,

I looked at your article and it is really nice.

What are you trying to accomplish with it? Are you trying to get backlinks to the product you mention that gets 140 exact searches a month?

PS... I think you just need a little direction to get straight. I will give you a hand - no charge. I sent you a PM.
Tanx Again! 140 searches...OWCH! that hurts; but at least I know I'm doing my initial job correctly. It could be a LOT worse. I really look fwd to you untangling my mess.