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How NOT to Start a Network of Sites



How NOT to Start a Network of Sites
by Ann Smarty, Daily SEO Tip
August 21, 2009

A WebmasterWorld thread discusses a great case study which should be shared with as many webmasters as possible to warn them against the screwed start. Here?s what it is about:

  • A guy decides to create a network of 100 sites following ALL Google guidelines;
  • Each site has only one page and almost no content;
  • The sites are NOT interlinked (as this is against Google rules);
  • Each site targets tiny keyword all in the same niche;
  • All the sites are on the same host and C-class IP;
  • All the sites are verified with the same Google Webmaster Tools account;
  • Some of the sites run Amazon ads;
The guy thinks he doesn?t break any rules and plans to moderately grow each site after all 100 one-page sites have been launched.

A day comes (after 6 months of huge work) when he finds all his 100 sites penalized?
