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Road-block ... dammit.

Trying to setup a LEMP stack for the first time. VULTR is super cool in that it has ready-made "app" - as they call it - spinning up a pre-config'ed a fully loaded Centos6 instance.

Problem is I can't install VestaCP (which I think is the standard for this config) - get an error. I tried 2 or 3 tutorials, obviously including VULTR's own. I already sent a ticket.

Also tried manually activating SFTP, but to no avail. Can't ping or reach the IP. I can only SSH into it. I'm just a geek, and can follow tutorials and troubleshoot like a champ... but I'm completely stuck.

VestaCP is cool in that is also has Fail2Ban and other firewall stuff cooked into it. But I'm spending waaay too much time on this. I was thinking of outsourcing this to, Upwork or Fiverr - for a pro to configure and harden... but I'm a bit put off.

How on earth can I be sure they're not going to do anything funny? Like open a backdoor, or tamper with tracking?

I mean, if someone knows how to install CPVLab of FunnelFlux or whatever, why on earth would they be selling themselves for cheap like this?

Any suggestions?
