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How To Draw Them Back


New Member
So once your off-page SEO has become very effective for your
niche site (tracked by means of high SERPs for your targeted
keywords), which translates to a lot of traffic, what do you
do to have 1st time visitors return?

Of course, on key answer (probably the answer) is to have
fresh, relevant content. But what comes next? What do you do
to make people come back to your site over and over.
I think more important is to have unique and quality content, not just fresh and relevant.
Posting just for the sake of having something "fresh" may do more damage than good.

Post something that can benefit visitor and can not be found anywhere else and they will return.

That is why I always recommend to concentrate on the niche you have most experience.
If the mentioned site is a forum, all you need to do is to collect the greatest minds of the certain niche and you can be sure that the visitors will soon register and become regular reader and later poster. If the mentioned site is a blog than the situation is more complicated, since you can rely on others, but only yourself, so you need to create something that is can not be found anywhere else. If you provide static content for instance it is a business website and you want to sell something. In this case i think beside the webdesign the prices and the services are the key factors and of course you need to offer the ADD TO FAVOURITE shortcuts.