Hey guys! In this short guide I will show you how to find some HQ icons for your
website or even some great avatars for using it here on forum!
For finding some pictures and icons for your website(s) we`ll use a site called ICONFINDER.
What is Iconfinder?
Iconfinder is an awesome search engine and market place If you are looking for HQ pictures/icons.
The best part is that you can download the most icons for FREE!
So lets see how it is working...
First visit iconfinder.com
Once you are on the site you can looking for every type of icons on every single topic...but really!
Holiday are here so we will looking for an actual keyword/topic and that`s "christmas"...

I really don`t know how many icons I find on this topic but a lot for sure...
More than 300.000 icons on the site...
Check some of icons for our "christmas" keyword!

You can download all of them for FREE in few different size...
Also what is interesting you can find Paypal,Facebook,Twitter and other logos from big brands in this CHRISTMAS STYLE>>>

Also you can find incons by popularity!

Just make some research and you will find a picture what you need for your projects.
I hope this little guide solved some of your problems.
I hope this little guide solved some of your problems.