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Official How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing During Winter Olympics ⛷


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Hey guys,

We’ve all been waiting the last 4 years for this… and now is the time for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics to finally begin!

While almost everyone on Earth must have heard of the Winter Olympic Games, did you know that it’s one of those golden opportunities for affiliate marketers?

Read on for a comprehensive guide on how to make money with the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and give your affiliate campaigns a solid boost of profit as soon as 2022 begins!

⛷ Affiliate marketing guide to sports events in 2022

2022, the year of sport is here, and there are hundreds of sporting events that you can use to promote your offers to the millions of people watching them. That’s why in this article we’ll give you the system to make the most out of each that comes your way so you can apply it to any sport that takes your interest.

We have already seen the positive impact sporting events such as UEFA EURO 2020, Copa America, and the Tour de France have on affiliate marketing last year in 2021.

And while some of us were captivated with Italy’s win over England in the EURO 2020 final, or Lionel Messi lifting the Copa América for Argentina (having triumphed over sports betting favorites Brazil), we also saw that it’s all about how you spin your affiliate marketing products and services to relate them with the sporting events that have got everybody so excited right now.

That’s why the Winter Olympic Games are the next big event you can use to boost your affiliate profits this year!

2022 Sport Affiliate Marketing Calendar of Key Dates

☑️ Why is streaming the big opportunity at this year’s Winter Games?

As you can see from the viewing figures above, the number of people set to watch the games is likely to be the most in history. And with the ability to watch not only on TV but on desktop or mobile devices, the reach of these games might surpass the 4 billion viewer mark.

So, why does this matter to you and your affiliate marketing business? Well in one word, streaming.

Promoting streaming sites will be one of the easier verticals to promote during the Olympics, due to the huge global interest, and as it is possible to watch on both mobile and desktop devices.

Here’s an example of the viewing figures for one streaming site at the last Olympics held in Rio 2016.

Rio 2016 streaming graph

As you can see, there are clear peaks during the opening and closing ceremonies on 5th and 21st August 2016 respectively. In addition, NBC (the biggest Olympic broadcaster in the US) noted that there were daily averages of 27.5 Million viewers per day during the Olympics with the most viewers during the period of 8th-13th August.

So, make sure you have prepared your streaming campaigns ahead of the Winter Games because the chance for Olympic victory with your campaigns is within your reach.

☑️ Selecting GEOs for your Beijing 2022 Olympics affiliate marketing campaigns

When it comes to choosing GEOs you’ll not likely go wrong with any country you choose this year, as there will be interested users from all over the world watching the games.

Well… that is maybe apart from Russia which is serving a doping ban from both the Summer and Winter Olympics for four years. So, maybe reduce your targeting for that particular country this year.

However, it is still one of the most highly scoring countries in the Olympics and some athletes are able to perform there without the Russian flag on their uniform. So, the viewership will still likely be high, just not as high as it might’ve been.

Top GEOs for Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

As you can see from the infographic map, there are many GEOs around the world that will have potential customers that are interested in the Winter Olympic Games. So, it is best to take a look at which ones will be your best bet to target with your affiliate marketing campaigns.

Group 1​

The most noteworthy GEOs are RU, UK, US, DE, CN can be viewed as Group 1 in terms of your campaign budget.

Group 2​

Group 2 is based on countries that have lower viewership like NL, FR, IT, HU, KR, AUS, BR, and CA.

Group 3​

And finally, Group 3 countries, which can be considered as those with the smallest viewership andmedal table success in the Winter Olympics in recent years. Thus should have the lowest numbers of eligible users, namely, ES, JM, NZ, PL, and others.

However, it is important to note that this is a global event watched by millions. So, as long as you have got your keywords right, you will probably make at least a few conversions wherever you choose to run your campaigns during the Olympics.

But as you know, it is key to test your campaigns, as this is how you will find out whether your GEO experiments will pay off. That’s how you know if a particular GEO is ultimately worth investing more of your time and money in during the Winter Olympics.

☑️ Why do you need to test your affiliate marketing campaigns?

Put simply, testing your campaigns will save you money. You may lose a little in the short term but it’ll save you from burning your entire budget on a campaign that is doomed to fail.

As we said above, the difference between a good campaign with a couple of conversions and a great campaign with a couple of hundred conversions is in the testing. The more you test, the more you learn and the more your campaigns become refined and efficient money-making machines.

So, what are some of the different ways you can test your campaigns ahead of the Olympic Games?

✔︎ Rule-based Optimization​
✔︎ A/B testing​
✔︎ Conversion Testing​
✔︎ Pre-landers and Landing pages​
✔︎ Ad tracking​

☑️ Rule-based optimization​

One of the best ways to test your campaigns is… yep, you’ve guessed it, rule-based optimization. It counts as testing, as it helps you test the correct parameters that your campaigns perform best at.

And, if you are wondering how that all works, let us explain it to you.

It’s essentially a set of IF…X THEN…Y rules, that you choose to implement into your campaigns to avoid you overspending, or underspending, on a potentially profitable campaign. Put simply, it protects your ROI. And what’s better is that it does it automatically (once you have set it up to do so, of course).

Moreover, it is actually what helps you to make money while you sleep with affiliate marketing as it looks after your campaigns while you are away from your desk. And the final bonus is that it is available on your Zeropark campaigns.

If you fail to prepare, you’ve prepared to fail. – Mark Spitz, American swimmer, and 9-time Olympic medalist.

⚖️ A/B testing​

A/B testing can simply be defined as testing one element of your campaign and with two or more versions of one element being changed to be measured against conversion rate.

The test which has the highest number of conversions is the winner of the test and should be implemented in future similar campaigns.

What elements of your campaigns can you A/B test?
  • Call to action (CTA) button — The position of this can make all the difference to your click-through rate so test out what performs best.
  • Colors and design — Of course, this is the most subjective part of your campaign and will require testing if you have a particularly bold color scheme.
  • Header — As this is the first thing your reader sees and is the deciding factor on whether they read the rest of what you have to offer or not, you should test to see exactly what your visitors are looking for
  • Product photo — Pictures with real people trying out your affiliate product or service tend to do better, as the audience can see themselves in that scenario. NOTE: Also, it is important to note that copyright is something you should bear in mind when trying to use a brand logo like the Olympic rings in your campaign. You’re just not allowed to do it.
  • Form — This is entirely your choice whether you work best with pop, push, domain, search or even email marketing, or social media advertising. On one hand, you can A/B test which of these works best for your target audience, and on the other, you can test the message and see if one USP performs better than another.
However, the process is not over after you find the perfect formula from all of these elements being in the best way for your audience’s eyes. It needs to be updated regularly to avoid your customers becoming disinterested in your ad from seeing it too frequently.

I am building a fire, and every day I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match. – Mia Hamm, American soccer player, and two-time gold medalist.

This can be applied to you and your campaigns. As long as you are learning from every affiliate marketing campaign, and every A/B test you run, then you will be building towards more successful ones in the future.

☑️ Conversion Testing​

Conversion testing should also be part of any medal-worthy affiliate marketing campaign.

This is as it will save you money, and the more money you save, the more you can put back into your winning campaigns. Now that’s just good business.

So, what exactly is conversion testing?

Well, Zeropark provides you with an easy solution to test your campaign setup. This conversion testing feature allows you to go further than you would go with manually activating your campaign URL.

This is achieved by running this test click-through within Zeropark’s system. This means that an actual click ID value will be assigned, along with the values in place of tokens. This allows you to test conversion tracking in Zeropark.

Allowing you to test your campaigns as if they were already live. So that you can make any necessary changes before you release them to your audience.

Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve ever done before. – Bonnie Blair, American speed skater, and five-time gold medalist.

Every campaign is another chance to succeed more than you ever have before.

Are you ready to give it your all!?

☑️ Pre-landers and Landing pages​

You don’t want your campaigns to fall at the last hurdle. So, another part of your campaign testing strategy should be optimizing your landing pages, and don’t forget your pre-landers too. These can make the difference between an ad that gets clicked on or not. And we all know, the higher the click-through rate, the higher the chance for those conversions.

So, why wouldn’t you optimize your landing pages, so that they are at their peak performance before you show them to your customers?

You do already? Ok good, then you can skip this section.

But, if you want your landing pages to get more clicks, then have a look below at our quick guide to what to include in your landing pages.

Use an ad tracker and note the most important metrics and make adjustments based on the data.

✔︎ Your lander should be consistent with the product page (products, descriptions, colors, images, etc.).

✔︎ Ensure your CTA button is always visible.

✔︎ Start with a/b testing and reject the poor-performing landers as it’ll increase your PPC/PPV campaign conversion rate.

✔︎ Do a/b testing another round of a/b testing on your winning landing page.

✔︎ Having testimonials will add legitimacy to your sites as people trust customer reviews.

✔︎ Adding a work email or phone number may help you look more professional.

✔︎ Be transparent about the product you’re promoting and why.

⚠️ If you want to learn about:​

  • The coronavirus pandemic’s influence on Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
  • How to profit from the media coverage of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games?
  • Which affiliate marketing niche should you target during Beijing 2022?
