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Although I wouldn`t want to `nofollow` all links from every page of my sites, the debate continues about whether it is best for SEO if at least some links (I refer in particular to affiliate links) or say links on a `Policy Page` are shown as `nofollow.`

I know of one or two very experienced site owners who do well from their sites in the search engines, with many of their keywords very highly placed. They are going to use more `nofollow` to see if they can improve their positions even more.

So, am I right in saying that the code to use for the page itself would be -


which should be placed in the Head part of the page?

Also, if I wanted to do the same with the odd, individual link, could that be done, and if so, how?
The above written meta tag (in the head section) would stop passing attributum concerning every link on the given page. If you don't want to solve some pagination related issue, I would rather suggest you to use local nofollow so place rel="nofollow" into the anchor tag. Adding nofollow onto affiliate links is a good idea since some older referral linked pages are not redirected so you directly link to a doorway page (for instance which is considered as a bad neighberhood.
Ok, so, suppose I have an affiliate link, (this one is made up), www,

where would I place the rel="nofollow"?
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<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">affiliate anchor text</a>
Well done bagi & teamplayer for slipping an affiliate link in there :D
Resonate, I`m not with you. I purposely avoided using one of my real affiliate links in post#3. Please enlighten me as to how a link has been `slipped in.`
Resonate, I`m not with you. I purposely avoided using one of my real affiliate links in post#3. Please enlighten me as to how a link has been `slipped in.`

Ok i must be viewing mass tabs, i clicked the link & got taken to some hosting site..?? but checking the link now its dud lol sorry buddy. I'm like a homing missle on suspected aff links :drool:
Continuing on with this theme.

I`ve added `nofollow` to a number of affiliate links on my sites. But, I`ve also noticed a number of sites show `external nofollow` rather than just `nofollow.` Why the difference?

Also, I`ve also seen `remote` when i clicked on Properties when I`ve visited certain Links pages. Why would someone use this tag?
Hmm, seems like from what I`ve read elsewhere when this question was asked it`s more a Wordpress thing where they introduced it thinking that "external nofollow" was for all links to other sites, whereas "nofollow" was just for internal links.

As it happens the consensus of opinon is that both mean the same thing, ie, no follow to all links, whether internal, or external, so there`s no actual purpose in creating "external nofollow."

Anyway, on one of my pages on my sites, Our Home Tools - Tool King Distributors, I decided I don`t want any of the links to be followed, since most of them are to an affiliate site.

So, I placed the tag - <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="INDEX, NOFOLLOW"> after the <title> tag, but, when I came to look at `properties` in Firefox the links remained as `same window` rather than `nofollow.` I then moved that tag and placed it immediately below <head> but still the same. Am I placing it in the wrong position?
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