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Seeking Help How to promote smartlink offers in social media without getting banned?


New Member
Hi AffiliateFix

I have started a journey to promote Adult Cpa offers in some social network platfroms(e.g Facebook, tiktok, Snapchat)

Bring in traffic is a vital part of the journey, but one other issue, account bans , is pulling me out of the game.

Nearly every social platform operate a censorship on the affiliate links that I post on them, so quite often, my links expires very quickly or been tickered as spam the second I post them.

So I been thinking how to bypass the censorship that these platform had.
To my acknowledge, MyLead offered a inhouse function called HideLink, I have not tried it out yet, but it is said that could help avoid these annoying censorship.

But the EPC of MyLead offers is relatively low compared to other networks, I want to consult if anyone knows any other networks offers similar in-house service to help affiliate run their offers?


First of all, epc numbers can be very deceptive.
  • I can't see how epc can be compared one network against another as they are dependent upon that network's affiliates and traffic patterns
    In other words: Any network epc is global to that network's criterion ( aggregate `offers` and accounting methods) and current affiliate base.
  • epc might be indicative within that network.
  • The only epc numbers that are somewhat accurate are your own epc numbers when comparing your own paid conversion events --and even that may be highly influenced by your own different funnel paths, of your own traffic, that may vary.
Secondly, Smart links are problematic to any advertising network. You ad campaign is approved on the basis of one link's end path. When the end path is constantly changing, depending on what that change is; You link may be considered deceptive --or not as regionally approved by that advertising resource.
I have used my own concocted smart links from my bridge pages
but each link had its own internal link on my domain.
This could only be considered smart for the reason that the selected the link was topical to what that user wanted.
So, it really was not a forced 'redirected change' ...
I did this with a script I wrote and in that script, the link redirects could be changed at will, but they were not essentially deceptive to the anchor seen by the user.
I wasn't trying to cloak or be deceptive and never has any issues.
Thank you @Graybeard for your advice on EPC, I will carry out testing on my own.

Upon the second issue, the smartlink, I have a bridge page that I post on social media, this bridge page is ok, and will not be often banned.

But on the other hand, the affiliate link that I post on the bridge page will often be banned, or should I deploy a automated redirect mechanism to redirect my user to offer page?(like Mylead has done in their HideLink system)

If so, how can I do this automated redirect stuff on my bridge page?
Not sure really.
Auto-mod bots are following your bridge page links is the problem?

  • If one link leads to one place (location) there is no problem.
  • if one link might lead to different places randomly there will be problems.

Moderation bots may use multiple IPs and other GEO locations --Ironic: They are doing what they say that you cannot do.
You will not win at this game --for long --but you already can see that ...
Thanks @Graybeard for your reply, but I think I did not state the question clearly enough.

This is my landing page:

I am not doing any analysis on my traffic(or to be more specific, I am not capable to do it rn), all the visitor will see the same landing page.

But what really get me banned is the affiliate link that I put in the 'click here' bottom.

My funnel is like 'Snapchat>Landing Page>offer pages', as a result, the network I am working with is doing all the analysis on traffic and push the right offer to them. But on the other hand, their affiliate link has been referred too often, social media platform such as snapchat is consistently banning their links.

As a result I need to find a way to hide or cloak or auto redirect the affiliate link to avoide the ban on my social media IDs.

Could you give me any advices on this point?
reason: that landing pages is not allowing the user to select --or it's a rotation data based redirect.
moderation is using remote datacenters as proxies. And also residential proxies to bust these type of links ...

Maybe if you make a link script they will not follow it in other words: that button leads to ./path/my_script.php?(add parameters here).

am not doing any analysis on my traffic(or to be more specific, I am not capable to do it rn), all the visitor will see the same landing page.

But what really get me banned is the affiliate link that I put in the 'click here' bottom.
is that an anchor???


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